Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in the Treatment of Breast Research Paper

Proof Based Practice Implementation in the Treatment of Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example As the paper states proof based practice is an approach to convey human services to patients that objectives issues in the current framework by coordinating the practices that yielded the best outcomes through examination of significant investigations and precise patient-care information, alongside the skill of authorities and the contribution of patients with respect to their inclinations and qualities. The best patient results can be acknowledged when EBP is led with regards to mind, inside a strong hierarchical structure and in the event that it is coordinated into the organization’s culture. Throughout the years, numerous social insurance establishments have adjusted EBP in making clinical practice rules for the treatment and care of patients harrowed with different sicknesses. From this report it is away from the ailments that EBP has been applied to, the most significant can ostensibly be bosom malignant growth. Bosom malignancy is as yet the main source of disease related passings in ladies worldwide and it is the most widely recognized sort of disease to harass females with over 1.1 million new cases analyzed every year. Bosom disease is likewise considered as the absolute most predominant malignant growth on the planet since more than 4.4 million ladies determined to have bosom disease over the most recent five years are as of now alive and are taking in-tolerant and out-understanding consideration from various human services foundations around the world. It has been conjectured that with the guide of EBP to improve clinical practice, 5-year endurance after bosom disease treatment could increment by up to 10%.... 5-year endurance after bosom disease treatment could increment by up to 10% (Sainsbury, Haward, Rider, Johnston, and Round, 1995 as refered to in Sacerdote et al., 2013). Sacerdote et al. (2013) led an examination in Piedmont, Italy to assess the distinction in bosom malignant growth tolerant consideration quality before the execution of an EBP rule and after the usage of the EBP rule. The rule that Sacerdote et al. assessed was the Piedmont rule (PGL) and it establishes the consistence of 14 nature of-care pointers in agreement to EBP. The focal point of their investigation is to assess the impacts of EBP on bosom malignancy treatment and to decide how well the PGL has been actualized. Synopsis of the Study Since Sacerdote et al.’s study was worried about the status of bosom malignant growth care when the usage of the PGL, two patient gatherings were chosen. Bosom malignant growth patients analyzed and rewarded during the first 50% of 2002 were the pre-PGL gathering while pat ients who were analyzed and rewarded after 2004 were the post-PGL gathering. The practices suggested in the PGL were at that point being done in the local emergency clinics even before the usage of the PGL. Somewhere in the range of 2002 and 2004, 8 markers out of the 14 moved towards the normal norm, anyway just 4 of these 8 enhancements were measurably huge. It is strongly prescribed for patients with medium-to-high danger of far off metastasis to experience chemotherapy or radiation after Breast Conservative Surgery however for patients with generally safe of far off metastasis, the presentation to radiation and chemo may really exacerbate their condition or rush the repeat of malignant growth. Following the proposals of medical attendants and masters utilizing EBP, the level of okay patients that took chemo-and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sears Kmart Merger Essay -- essays research papers

Because of moderate deals and less traffic at both Sears and Kmart, the two have chosen to combine making one element named Sears Holdings. Kmart has consented to purchase Sears for $11 Billion. This puts Sears Holdings at the third biggest retailer behind Wal-Mart and Home Depot. In spite of the fact that Wal-Mart is an immediate contender with Kmart, Sears Holdings objective isn't to rival Wal-Mart legitimately, yet discover territories that have been neglected by different retailers, and exploit the extended line of items the new organization brings to the table. Singes has had higher deals than Kmart, so several Kmart’s will be changed into Sears stores. Starting at now, the vast majority of Sears 870 stores are just found in shopping centers. The new system is open Sears stores in ebb and flow Kmart areas, to offer customers with an alternate assortment of items than what’s right now accessible from enormous retailers like Kmart and Wal-Mart. Singes is referred to for selling things, for example, their selective line of skilled worker instruments and Kenmore apparatuses. Later on these Sears special features will be found in Kmart stores, and Kmart special features, for example, Martha Stewarts line of housewares will be found in Sears. This merger will carry a wide cluster of items to a bigger gathering of purchasers. At present purchasers hoping to purchase home apparatuses like ovens or fridges need to go to a shopping center with a Sears store or a forte store like Best Buy or Circuit City. Not all shoppers live almost a shopping center, so purchasing from Sears may not be a choice. In spite of the fact that bot...

Marketing Plan for Al Jazzira Poultry Case Study

Promoting Plan for Al Jazzira Poultry - Case Study Example The fundamental purpose for this is to control the creation chain and be less influenced by the outer variables (providers) and to guarantee quality. The achievement and productivity of the poultry ranch relies upon the choice of good hereditary stock and their sound and proficient administration. Determination of right kind of chicken considering the pervasive the nearby conditions and the interest for poultry items in the market choose the presentation of any poultry ranch. The exhibition of layers as for significant efficiency factors like egg creation, feed change and feathered creature mortality additionally impact the gainfulness of the poultry cultivating business. Any poultry cultivating business endeavor ought to consider the firing up the business in an area from various view focuses like natural perspective which considers the necessities of the poultry cultivating of a perfect, dry, very and agreeable spot and business angle that considers great transportation and corresp ondence offices. With this foundation this paper presents a point by point showcasing plan for the poultry firm 'Al Jazzira Poultry' in the nation of Jordan. The creation of the poultry meat has become the biggest aspect of the famous business in Jordan - reports the World Poultry Journal. The all out interests in the business were assessed at US $ 430 million in the year 2003. The quantity of oven ranches has expanded at a surprising rate during the period from 1981 through the 2000s. There has been colossal improvement in the creation limit of the organizations that were occupied with the cultivating industry. The expansion in the creation limit was the aftereffect of increasingly number of new business firms entering the business. There are various elements which affected the individuals to go into this business. Some significant variables that added to the advancement of the poultry cultivating business in Jordan are: The restricted territory of land expected to run poultry ranches contrasted with other farming undertakings. Poultry organizations regularly require modest quantities of water, a significant viewpoint in Jordan, being needy basically on precipitation and every now and again experiencing water flexibly issues. The short creation cycles in poultry permitting an increasingly visit income contrasted with other rural exercises. Aside from the inalienable focal points the help from the administration likewise has helped the business develop to extraordinary extents. The administration received a floatation

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tarjeta SENTRI para cruzar rápido entre México y EE.UU.

Tarjeta SENTRI para cruzar rpido entre Mã ©xico y EE.UU. SENTRI es una tarjeta deâ inteligente con identificaciã ³n por radio frecuencia que permite un cruce acelerado de la frontera terrestreâ entre Estados Unidos y Mã ©xico. Es uno de los programas que se conocen con el nombre de Viajeros Confiables y Frecuentes que facilitan los pasos de control migratorio. SENTRI no debe confundirse con un programa muy comparable conocido como Nexus, una tarjeta de cruce rpido entre USA y Canad. En este artã ­culo se informa de quiã ©nes pueden solicitar SENTRI, cules child los beneficios, cã ³mo se aplica por esa tarjeta, ycules child las causas comunes por las que la solicitud es negada. Quiã ©nes pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI Pueden aplicar por SENTRI las personas que se encuentran en cualquiera de las siguientes categorã ­as: Los ciudadanos americanosLos residentes permanentes legales, es decir, que tienen una green card.Cualquier extranjeroâ con visa vigente para ingresar o permanecer temporalmente en EE.UU.Los mexicanos que cruzan con frecuencia la frontera terrestre con Estados Unidos. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que SENTRI no es una visa. Recalcar que en el caso de personas no ciudadanas estadounidenses ni residentes permanentes legales es imprescindible tener una visa vigente risks de aplicar por SENTRI. Puede ser cualquier visa de todas las no inmigrantes posibles, como la lser - tambiã ©n conocida como de Cruce, o la F-3 para estudiantes en la zona fronteriza.â Por à ºltimo, tambiã ©n pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI los niã ±os pero todos los peticionarios menores de edad debern tener el consentimiento de sus padres o guardianes legales. Si se viaja con niã ±os, cada niã ±o debe tener su propia tarjeta para beneficiarse de este programa. En otras palabras, no estn amparados por la de sus padres. Beneficios de obtener la tarjeta SENTRI El ms evidente es que se puede utilizar para ingresar an Estados Unidos desde Mã ©xico la fila SENTRI, donde el proceso de inspecciã ³n migratorio y aduanero dura, de media, 10 segundos. Estos child los pasos aduaneros donde se puede utilizar (verificar enâ tiempo genuine los tiempos de demora en cruce de puentes internacionales): Nogales, ArizonaDouglas, ArizonaSan Luis, ArizonaOtay Mesa, CaliforniaSan Ysidro, CaliforniaCalexico, CaliforniaEl Paso, TexasHidalgo, TexasBrownsville, TexasLaredo, TexasAnzalduas, Texas Adems, SENTRI brinda otros beneficios. Por ejemplo, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden en muchos casos utilizarâ los kioskos de Global Entryâ en los aeropuertos para acelerar el trnsito por aduanas. Existe en este punto una excepciã ³n importante que es que los ciudadanoâ mexicanos no pueden utilizarâ esos kioskos con SENTRI. Si desean tener esa ventaja deben aplicar especã ­ficamente por Global Entry. Losâ ciudadanos americanosâ y sã ³lo ellos pueden ingresar por tierra o por deface an Estados Unidos procedentes de Mã ©xico sin pasaporte, utilizando la tarjeta SENTRI. Por el contrario, si se ingresa por aviã ³n es necesario el pasaporte. En los viajes domã ©sticos por aviã ³n, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden enrolarse en el programa Pre-Check para agilizar el paso por el control de seguridad en aeropuertos. Cã ³mo se aplica por la tarjeta inteligente conocida como SENTRI Se solicita por web en la pgina oficial de la Agencia de Aduanas y Protecciã ³n Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). En este momento se paga una cuota inicial de $25 por persona (en el caso de familias el coste mximo es de $50 por el padre y la madre y los hijos). Al poco tiempo se recibir una notificaciã ³n llamada aprobaciã ³n condicional. A partir de ese momento se tiene 30 dã ­as para cerrar una cita para la entrevista con la CBP utilizando el mismo sistema de web. El dã ­a de la entrevista se tomar las huellas digitales del aplicante y una foto. Adems se tendr que pagar parte de la cuota. Adems, deber presentar los documentados originales que: Acrediten que es ciudadano americano, que es residente permanente o que tiene visa History of the U.S vigente.Licencia de manejar emitida por el estado en el que se vive (o un I.D. estatal)Registracià ³n del auto y prueba de seguro. Si el auto que se registra no es propiedad del solicitante de la tarjeta SENTRI entonces se precisa una carta notarizada del propietario en favor del solicitante. Si se trata de un auto de empresa, la carta debe estar escrita en un papel con el nombre de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a.Prueba de solvencia econã ³mica, como assessment forms recientes, nã ³minas, extractos de banco, licencia de negocio, si se tiene, etc.Evidencia de residencia, como por ejemplo, recibo del pago de la renta o de la hipoteca o escritura de propiedad de vivienda. Adems, llevar una copia de la aprobaciã ³n condicional. El costo all out de la tarjeta es de $122.25 por persona. Si se desea recorder ms de un auto, roughage que pagar cuota adicional de $42. Si se solicita para toda la familia, es ms conveniente realizar la aplicaciã ³n para todos de una sola vez. Causas de negaciã ³n de la solicitud de una tarjeta SENTRI Las causas pueden ser muy variadas, por ejemplo, mentir en la aplicaciã ³n, haber sido condenado por una ofensa criminal o tener una orden de arresto pendiente. Tambiã ©n es causa de rechazo estar siendo investigado por alguna autoridad neighborhood, estatal o government o, incluso, haber cometido en el pasado alguna infracciã ³n migratoria o de aduanas, incluidos casos en los que se intentã ³ ingresar al paã ­s un producto agrã ­cola o comida que est prohibido. Finalmente, se negar la tarjeta siempre que a juicio de las autoridades la persona solicitante puede suponer un riesgo de cualquier clase para los Estados Unidos. A tener en cuenta para conservar la validez de SENTRI Si se obtiene la tarjeta, debe tenerse presente lo siguiente: Es vlida por cinco aà ±os.Se debe notificar cambios de domicilio, cambios en la documentaciã ³n, como obtenciã ³n de nuevo pasaporte, licencia de manejar, green card.... o cambio de nombre. Tambiã ©n se debe reportar cualquier condena excepto violaciones de trnsito. Para hacer estas notificaciones llamar an uno de los Centros para Enrolar. Para poder utilizar una lã ­nea SENTRI en la frontera es necesario que todos los ocupantes del auto sean titulares de su propia tarjeta. Esto incluye a niã ±os, incluso reciã ©n nacidos. Quã © se puede ingresar an Estados Unidos desde Mã ©xico A la hora de ingresar a los Estados Unidos es conveniente conocer quã © artã ­culos est prohibido traer asã ­ cã ³mo cules estn permitidos en determinadas cantidades o previa declaraciã ³n de ingreso. Finalmente, si se tiene la intenciã ³n de ingresar an una mascota, tambiã ©n se aconseja conocer las reglas para evitar problemas serios al llegar al control aduanero. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a legitimate.

A couples heartbreak

A couples heartbreak A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eyes.One morning, when the boy was around two years old, the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and put it in the cupboard. The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter.The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to it and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned; she was terrified. How would she face her husband?When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words.“I Love You Darling.”The husband’s totally unexpected reaction is proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fau lt with the mother. Besides, if only he have taken time to put the bottle away, this would not have happened.No point in attaching blame. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or who’s to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know and miss out on the warmth in human relationships we could receive by giving each other support.After all, shouldn’t forgiving someone we love be the easiest thing in the world to do?Treasure what you have. Don’t multiply pain, anguish and suffering by holding onto forgiveness. Let go of all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.If everyone could look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be fewer problems in the world.Author Unknown

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Oil Industry Case of Suncor Energy Case Study - 275 Words

Oil Industry Case of Suncor Energy Case Study (Case Study Sample) Content: Oil industry case-case of Suncor energyIntroductionGlobalization has resulted in the rise in the information and communication all over the world through cutting down the boundaries between various countries. This in turn helped in the growth of international business through the emergence of many opportunities to industries. At the same time, the technological developments and the globalization activities like mergers and strategic alliances have created many challenges also to various industries. This includes the environmental impacts created by the advanced technologies in many industries and the ethical issues associated with these. However, detailed case studies are needed to examine the effects of globalization and the associated technological developments on the performance of specific industries. Oil industry is considered as one industry, which is significantly affected by the technological developments, and the other activities associated with globalization (Idachaba, 2012). Given this background, this essay examines the effect of globalization activities on the oil industry in Canada, taking the case of Suncor Energy. There are five sections in this essay. In the second and third sections, the trends in global oil industry and Canadian oil industry in the context of globalization are discussed. In the fourth section, the globalization activities occurring in Suncor energy and its effects are discussed. The fifth section concludes the essay.Oil IndustryOil is one among the primary fuels accounting for a majority of the energy consumption in the world (Howard et al, 2007).The four main players in the oil and industry are the international oil companies, independent oil companies, service companies and research institutions(Idachaba,2012). The majority of world oil reserves are owned by Government regulated oil companies. The two different phases in the oil industry development are the growth phase and the maturity phase (Idachaba, 2012 ). In the growth phase, the main features include startegic alliance formation, mergers and acquisitions, high investment in technology and high onshore production while in the maturity phase; the main features include low investment in technology, reduction in offshore production etc (Howard et al, 2007). The top ten oil producing countries in the world include Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA, Iran, China, Canada, Mexico, UAE and Nigeria in their respective orders(CIA World Fact Book,2012). The top ten oil-consuming countries in the world include USA, China, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Canada, Russia, South Korea and Mexico (CIA World Fact Book, 2012). The following figure shows the world crude oil production and crude oil consumption from 2003 to 2012.Figure1: World Crude Oil Production and Consumption from 2003 to 2012Source: FCCQ (2013)Globalization has created both opportunities and challenges to the oil industry, as shown by different studies (Yergin, 2011; Mitchell et al, 2012). It is one of the major industries which is significantly influenced by the technological developments, as shown by reports(Idachaba,2012).Mergers and acquisition activities had been one major globalization activities taking place in the global oil industry(Deolitte,2010).Figure 2: Region wise Number of Concluded MA deals in global oil and gas industrySource: Deolitte (2010).The figure above shows that North America had the highest number of concluded deals in mergers and acquisition activities in global oil and gas market in the period 2008 to 2010.This was followed by Middle East and Europe. Asia reported the least number of concluded deals in mergers and acquisition activities in global oil and gas market in the period 2008 to 2010, based on the figure above.Canadian Oil Industry Canada is reported to be the sixth largest producer of oil in the world (Collyer, 2012). Western Canada accounts for 52 percent of the drilling rig count in Canada where Alberta Province constitu tes 46 percent of the drilling rig count in Western Canada (Alberta Government, 2013). 65 percent of the oil production in Canada is dominated by the top ten companies, which include Suncor Energy Inc, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Imperial Oil Limited, Husky Energy Inc, Shell Canada, Conocp Philips Canada and Devon Canada Corporation (FCCQ, 2013).The main developments determining the shape of oil and gas market in North America especially Canadian market include the oil sands development, shale gas growth and the tight oil productive capacity (Price Water Coopers, 2013). Majority of the largest oil and gas companies owned by government are listed in the stock exchanges of Canada (Carey, 2012). Reports show significant effects of technological advancements in the Canadian oil industry including finding the crude oil with very high precision, waste reduction in crude oil production and reduction in the environmental effects from the crude oil production (Bott, 2012). The declin e of conventional production areas and the rise in unconventional production areas like oil sands is the main feature of the Canadian oil industry (Carey, 2012). This domination of oil sands is reported to continue here for many years. Reports show this domination of oil sands putting Canada among the top five nations in the world in the countries with proved oil reserves (Carey, 2012).The following figure illustrates the significant position of the oil sands in Canada in the global crude oil reserves.Figure3: World Crude Oil ReservesSource: FCCQ (2013)The foreign direct investment in the oil and gas industry in Canada showed significant growth rate of 3 percent from 2005 to 2012 in Canada with USA dominating the foreign direct investment in this sector (FCCQ, 2013). However, the share of European nations and Asia-Oceania nations in the foreign direct investment in this sector started increasing significantly in the recent years resulting in the decline of share of USA.USA and Can ada were reported to have accounted for the majority of the global MA deals with 32.5 % and 17.92% respectively (Deolitte, 2010). However, with the recent approval of two takeover bids by the State owned enterprises in the oil and gas market, which had become controversial, the mergers and acquisition deals are subject to strict scrutiny in the oil sands sector in Canada by the government. The targets for outbound MA deals by the oil and gas companies in Canada are Latin America, North America and Middle East-North Africa (Torry's LLp,2013).The main risks for foreign targets include delay costs in negotiations due to the distorted valuation metrics in countries like USA, political issues and the regulatory risks(Torrys LLP,2013). Table 1: Direct and Indirect Economic Impacts of Oil Industry in Western Canada (In Canadian Dollar Million except for jobs)Source: FCCQ (2013)Note: BC= British Columbia; AB=Alberta; SK= Saskatchewan; ON=Ontario, QC=Quebec.The table above shows the direct and indirect economic impacts of the Western Canada's Oil Industry. It shows the significant role played by this sector in Western Canada.The next section discusses the globalization activities occurring in Suncor energy and its effects.Suncor Energy and GlobalizationSuncor Energy is the company, which dominates the Canadian oil production, accounting for 14.2 percent of production in 2011(FCCQ, 2013). It is an integrated energy company specialized in the crude oil production from oil sands, located in Calgary, Alberta. The three operating segments of Suncor are oil sands, natural gas and refining and marketing. Suncor transformed from a company, which was not profitable in the 1980s to one of the largest energy companies in the world at present. In the 1980s, there was very high government regulation of the oil industry in Canada together with tremendous decline in crude oil prices, natural disasters, labour problems and political uncertainties all resulted in a tough time for Sun cor energy (, 2013a). In the 1990s, this situation changed and the company became one of the most successful and sustainable companies through numerous changes. These include technological developments like truck and shovel mining replacing bucket wheel excavators and change in the tax royalties by the government for risk reduction in oil capital investments (, 2013b). The operating cost reduced considerably due to these developments. This also began the transition of the company from an un successful one in the 1980s to one of the most profitable energy companies in the world (, 2013b).Studies showed Suncor energy as the company with third highest growth in RD spending(Research InfosourceInc,2010). The technologies used in Suncor for the oil sands tailings include regular tailings, densified tailings, consolidated tailings and tailings reduction operations. One main globalization activity occurred in the Suncor company was the $20 billion stock for sto ck merger of the company with Petro Canada (RBC capital markets, 2009).This was supposed to solve the capital issues in both the companies and achieving the long-term growth objective. The expectations of both the companies was operating cost saving of Canadian dollar 300 million and annual capital efficiency of Canadian dollar 1 billion (Click et al, 2010). Studies showed positive implications for the shareholders of both the companies due to this deal supported by three factors namely increased diversification opportunities, balance sheet improvements and rise in financial flexibility as well as enhanced growth prospects (RBC capital markets, 2009). Ever since the merger of Suncor company $20 billion stock for stock merger of the company with Petro Canada, all the debt ratios of Suncor started consistently reducing (Weeden Co,2012).Along with these, the other merger synergies in...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Biblical Landmark Of Ancient Egypt - 997 Words

Biblical landmark research paper Proverb 22:28 and 23:10, â€Å"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set ... Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless.† Back into the ancient Egypt , in order to divide the land and show who owned which part, those large stones were used as landmarks by most of peoples to divide the land. But regarding to the human nature, some of them were dishonest thieves, if the owner of the house was not present anymore, they would move the ancient landmark set by their ancestors. Ancient Egypt is one of the world’s great civilizations, the best known for its incredible monumental architecture typified by the pyramids, such as The Great Pyramid of Giza, tombs of pharaohs in the Valley of Kings, ruins of Luxor. But for some of the traditional Egyptian, they refused to believe those incredible structures were man-made, and preferring to describe them as a mythical civilization. As a result, they believes that after death their soul would travel though underworld, which is call â€Å"The Hall of the judgment†. With a fascinating history background that reaches back to the old times civilization, Egypt is considered as the home of many impressive archaeological monuments and the oldest travel destination on earth . Many of the Pyramid building in ancient Egypt began around 2650 B.C also known as the orthodox chronology, those usually start with the old kingdom, then after they pass away,Show MoreRelatedRedemption And Utopia1367 Words   |  6 Pagespresupposed, in short, the figure of anyone associated with the implementation of a special mission, rushed by G-d, but their status was still emptied of the eschatological and unique character of the person â€Å"Messiah† as would be reinforced later by biblical hermeneutics. The history of Judaism of the post-exilic period gave rise to a complex set of beliefs towards the expectations about the future: resurrection of the body, eternal reward and punishment, final judgment, heaven, retribution and the MessiahRead MoreStudy Questions Essay2492 Words   |  10 Pagesneeded for plats to survive. The passages allude to the fact that He and He alone is the one true God and is the creator of all that exists. 2.) What are the similarities and differences between the Biblical and the Babylonian presentation of cosmic beings? The differences between the biblical and Babylonian versions of creation are vast. In the Babylonian version of creation there are many gods. Marduk is the king of gods which suggests that there is a hierarchy. For each act of creationRead MoreThe State of Israel Essay2044 Words   |  9 PagesJews will spend the majority of their time in a synagogue praying for forgiveness, health and a year of great prosperity towards one another. September 19 is Sukkoth. Sukkoth is the remembrance of the 40-year transition into the desert after leaving Egypt. As tradition in remembrance, Jews construct and live in temporary dwellings for seven days. Simbat Torah begins on 26 September, which will mark the completion of the annual reading of the Torah, which refers to the five books of Moses: Exodus, DeuteronomyRead MoreHISTORICAL CONTEXT OF NURSING5706 Words   |  23 PagesHISTORICAL CONTEXT OF NURSING When exploring the pages of history, it becomes apparent that nursing has always existed—and has primarily functioned—within a framework of human caring. This legacy of human caring dates back to biblical times and has been integrated into every facet of nursing. This content will discuss an overview of the historical evolution of nursing and nurse leaders that have shaped its current status. PREHISTORIC PERIOD Nursing in the prehistoric period was delineatedRead MoreSda Manual Essay101191 Words   |  405 Pages................................................. CHAPTER 3 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists ............................ 1 1 1 3 3 4 5 6 9 CHAPTER 4 Organization Founded on Divine Principles .................................. 21 Biblical Basis for Organization ..................................................... 21 Vital Importance of Organization .................................................. 22 Divine Purpose in Organization ...............................................Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesWineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History